
News & Events

I-LoveAjinomoto-Share-Your-Recipe March 8, 2021

Moms are certainly #mamazing and most even possess undeniable skills like kitchen wizardry. They are known for making special, healthy, and delicious meals…

Crispy Fry Lucky Fryday Playday January 22, 2021

Crispy Fry® hosted its third #CrispyFryPlayDay to officially introduce its newest brand endorser TV host Luis “Kuya Lucky” Manzano…

Prottie SuperKID School to School Caravan January 5, 2021

The prolonged quarantine brought new challenges for Filipinos. This is particularly true for parents, who now have to manage keeping their kids healthy and energetic while overseeing their learning in at-home, online classes…

Luis Manzano Crispy Fry December 23, 2020

Even if families spend most of their time at home, many find that they have become busier than ever. The line between work and home life has blurred…

December 21, 2020

Businesses play many roles in the communities they operate in. They provide livelihoods, boost the local economy, and contribute to the people’s identity…

7-Day Low Fat Cooking Challenge October 30, 2020

In these health-conscious times, many Filipinos try to eat healthier and one of the ways they achieve it is by maintaining a low-fat diet…