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Looking for a delicious and nutritious recipe na swak sa budget? Here’s a #Mamazing budget friendly recipe from Iya that you can try for your whole family.

Eating right doesn’t have to be boring. It can be colorful and exciting, especially if you make this #Mamazing Shrimps in Roasted Vegetables dish.

Looking for a low-fat but rich in protein dish? Why not try this Creamy Chicken and Mushroom recipe!

For a power-packed morning! Learn how to make this easy-to-cook and delicious Egg Salad on Toasted Bread recipe

Discover delicious ways to keep your kids healthy just like this immuno-boosting Creamy Tuna Broccoli Pasta recipe.

Cooking healthy food doesn’t have to be difficult and time consuming. Discover how you can make this restaurant-quality Beef and Baby Corn Stir Fry recipe.

Even at home, you can celebrate special occasions with a lively set up and delicious food. Try this hearty and healthy Honey Lemon Butter Salmon recipe.

Get a taste of the favorite classic Pinoy dish with a healthier twist. Delicious and yet less sodium version of Chicken and Pork Adobo.
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